The More Things Change

As it happens, this all began with a story:

Before Zen crossed the shores into Japan, the students of the Tendai school would study meditation, as part of their daily practice. Four of them, close friends all, promised one another to observe seven days of silence.

On the first day, no words were spoken, and the students took pleasure in their auspicious beginning. When night came however, the oil lamps grew dim, and the room slowly darkened.

One student, named Hoshin, called out to a servant: “Servant! Attend to the lamps, so that I might better observe our accomplishment!”

The second student was surprised to hear Hoshin speak. “We are supposed to keep quiet,” he chided.

“But you also spoke!” declared the third. “You are an idiot!”

“I am the only one who has not talked,” concluded the fourth, as he settled into seiza.

It’s been, what, three years since Hoshin first called for some illumination? And here we are, still watching him make a mess of things.

Well, that’s about to change.

You see, I’ve been feeling a bit sorry for Hoshin lately. Actually, sorry’s not quite right. It’s more a feeling of empathy, or understanding—like that of a fellow traveler. I’ve begun, if you’ll pardon the pun, to see him in an entirely new light.

And to be honest, I just want to give the poor guy a break.

So here it is. A new day, a new beginning, and a new blog. Since I’m a sucker for history, we’ve kept the name, and the posts. But we’ve changed everything else. Go ahead, take a look.

I hope you like it.