June 2023

Congratulations! 🎉

In the adult class, congratulations to Evan and Svetlana for passing their 4th kyu tests. 👏

And in the kids class, congratulations to Lucan for passing his blue belt test, to Steven and Ameenah for passing green belt, and to Anthony for passing yellow belt black stripe.

Monthly Misogi

The technique last month was yokomenuchi kokyunage. As of today, Buck, Dee, and Jerry are caught up.

Kevin, you owe us (let's see, quick calculation...) one thousand and eighty rolls! 😱

Which, to be fair, is still easier than winning the password game.

New Students

In the adult class, please welcome Todd and Nathan, and in the kids' class, please welcome Frank.

What the heck, I'll do it myself. In keeping with the recent holiday: WELCOME! 🎆

*BTW, I hope you had a happy Fourth of July.

Winter Camp @ Florida Aikikai

Florida Aikikai is hosting Winter Camp this year from November 10 to November 12. Penny Bernath, Peter Bernath, Claude Berthiaume, Andy Demko, Harvey Konigsberg, and Steve Pimsler are instructing. In addition, I have it on good authority that Osawa Sensei will be there too.

And if that doesn't crank your gearbox, Buck will be testing for yondan. What more could you ask for?

In the meantime, to whet your appetite, I'm posting a few pics of Winter Camps past. (One of which contains a secret message! Yes, I am being serious!)

Dee and Jerry
Dee and Harvey
After Party
Havana Restaurant
Class Picture


Ice Cream Social 🍨

Yes, we had a date. Which we missed! And no, your editor is not ghosting you. We just lost track of time. (Seriously, have you tried the password game? Not that I am blaming my mistake on that bottomless pit of time suck a silly internet thing. Well, yes I am.)

Anyway, after Dee Sensei found me curled up on the floor screaming at my computer, she requested that I reschedule. So I did! Our new date is Saturday, July 22 at 11:30 am.

By way of apology, feel free to peruse photos of our past socials in 2017 and 2018.