Aikido Center of Jacksonville
Dojo Newsletter August 2008

New Students
Let's extend a warm welcome to our newest ukes: Ron Cannella, Margarita Pchelova, Austin Hewlett, Ben Wooten, and Bruce Katz.  For those who haven't met Bruce yet, he is a yudansha from Long Island who received his shodan from Kanai Sensei.

Website News
This past month we've made two changes to the website.  First, in anticipation of Tonya's grueling apprenticeship at New York Aikikai, we've significantly enhanced her online blog.  It sports a new design, has new features, and is hosted on our own servers.  (For those technically minded, we've moved from Blogger to the Wordpress platform).

Second, we've added a frequently asked questions page, accessible from anywhere on the site.  So, if during the course of your busy day you find yourself bewildered or befuddled, worry not.  Just browse to our website, scroll to the bottom, and ready yourself for instant enlightenment.  Which reminds me...

Ask the Guru
Ryan, one of our more persistent students, has (despite our best efforts) actually clicked the Guru link on our password protected page.  For those who are unaware, Sensei has access to a bona fide Aikido Guru who has graciously agreed to answer our students' Aikido related questions.  (Though I must point out that the terms of his agreement, clearly stated, include delivery, per question, of one bottle Macallan Single Malt Scotch, 12 year preferably, of which Ryan has so far failed to produce.)  I want to assure Ryan that as soon as the proper formalities are observed, he will in fact receive his answer. 

(And yes, although our Guru does exist, he wishes to remain anonymous, presumably to avoid answering these ridiculous questions.)


Miami Aikikai Seminar
On June 28, Aikidoka from across Florida gathered to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Miami Aikikai.  The seminar, hosted by Florida Aikikai, was a great success.  Nelson Andujar Sensei, the founder of Miami Aikikai, was the featured instructor.  Andujar Sensei, a 6th dan Shidoin, now teaches at Nations Aikikai in Houston, Texas.  Also instructing was Penny Bernath Sensei of Florida Aikikai and Matthew Reischer Sensei, a long time student of Miami Aikikai.  Reischer Sensei, who has a background in Iwama style weapons, taught a fascinating class focused on jo and bokken.

Posted below are some picture highlights of the seminar.  For a more interactive experience, you can view our slideshow, which we've also posted on our multimedia page.  Enjoy!

Miami Aikikai Seminar Miami Aikikai 30th Anniversary seminar photo

Nelson Andujar Sensei Nelson Andujar Sensei Dee Seabolt Sensei Dee Seabolt Sensei Matthew Reischer Sensei Matthew Reischer Sensei

Upcoming Seminars
On August 16-17, Florida Aikikai is hosting a seminar featuring Claude Berthiaume Shihan of Aikido de la Montagne.  The following weekend the Florida Aikido Center in Tampa is hosting a fund raising seminar with Mike Jones, the current head deshi at New York Aikikai (as well as all around nice guy).  Lastly, John has expressed an interest in attending the 2008 Autumn Seminar at Twin Cities Aikido Center, featuring Clyde Takeguchi Shihan.  (Did I ever tell you my Clyde Takeguchi story?  No?  Maybe next month....)  Anyway, you know the drill.  If you're interested, send us an email.