Aikido Center of Jacksonville
Dojo Newsletter March 2011

New Students
Please join me in welcoming Mike and Dean to our adult class. If you have any questions about training or the dojo, feel free to ask.

Next Movie Night
Our next kids' movie night is scheduled for Saturday, April 9. We'll supply the popcorn, pizza, and fruit drinks. As always, movie night is a great way to introduce friends to the dojo. So feel free to bring a guest!

Upcoming Seminars
We are still planning to schedule a seminar in early May. Details will be announced as soon as everything is organized.

Seminars are an excellent way to receive instruction from a variety of accomplished teachers. Please make plans to attend.

Also, we are thrilled to host Peter Bernath Sensei at our school this September. Again, additional details will be announced.

Train For Free
Help us grow the school! When you refer a student, you train free for the month. Our student promotion also applies to family members, and can be combined with our family and quarterly discounts.


Fort Clinch Camping Trip
Our 2011 camping trip was, in a word, exhilarating. Along with fine food, good friends, and period historians at Fort Clinch itself, we enjoyed some rousing Aikido during the sunset and sunrise classes.

A hearty thanks to everyone who participated, and a special thanks to those accomplished gourmets who shared their excellent cuisine with us. We've posted a few pictures below, and more can be found on our blog.

2011 Camping trip 2011 Camping trip 2011 Camping trip 2011 Camping trip 2011 Camping trip 2011 Camping trip

John Miller Sempai
John and wife Sonia As you may already know, John has now completed his move to New Mexico. I'll have more to say about John, and his influence on the school, in a later blog post, but for now suffice it to say that we are all saddened by his departure.

On a more positive note, John will have more time to write, so we should (hopefully) have a chance to keep up with him online.

We welcome your feedback, comments, and questions regarding our newsletter.  You can post your thoughts on our blog.  You can also follow us on Twitter, or join our Facebook group.