Sunday 23rd

I could go on and on about today. But I will suffice to say that the classes were great fun and that I actually got a fair amount of sleep, so I could enjoy them. The day started out with Karen, Doug and I going out on the town in search of oranges and Gatorade for the seminar. Apparently there is no such thing as powdered Gatorade in all of New York City. The best we could do was to get large gallon bottles of it and water it down a bit. Karen and I sliced oranges during the dan class and took the kyu class. I believe I either ended up taking 2 or three classes that day. Yamada Sensei, Sugano Sensei, and Donovan Sensei all taught. I folded the former and the latter’s hakama, but Sanji got to Sugano Sensei’s before I could.

Later that day Karen, Sanji and I all went to a church service together and then I went out with a friend. I didn’t get a lot of sleep that night either. On the way home the next day I slept through both plane rides and for several hours at home. I think I got a cold from all the fun I had while I was there. I’d do it all again if I could. I can’t wait until I move up there.
